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Adoption Date: 6/29/1972, Revised: 10/23/1991; 11/12/1997, 11/14/2012
L - Education Agency Relations

LDA Student Teachers

Student Teachers

A student teacher is defined as a teacher trainee. The placement of such student teachers in our schools is to be encouraged.

The superintendent and principals shall determine the number of trainees that shall be placed in a school at any one time. Care shall be taken to see that no school or teacher is overburdened.

All Student Teachers will abide by the rules and regulations contained in the faculty handbook.

Student teachers shall not be compensated by the district for professional services in the role as a student teacher.

Adopted June 29, 1972
Reviewed October 23, 1991
Reviewed November 12, 1997
Amended November 14, 2012