"... to advance the knowledge and well-being
of our children and our community."

Contact Us:

16 School Street
Dudley, MA 01571
Kelly True, M.Ed., Principal
Fax: 508-949-3305

Nurse's Corner

Tick Information and Lyme Disease

Lyme disease: is a bacterial infection that is spread by ticks. You may develop Lyme disease after being bitten by an infected tick. The longer the tick stays attached to your skin the more likely you will be infected provided the tick is carrying the disease.

Tick removal: Remove the tick right away, the sooner you remove it, the less chance of infection. Use either a tick-removing device or fine point tweezers. Do not squeeze the tick's body; grab it where its mouthpart enters the skin and tug gently and repeatedly, until it releases its hold by withdrawing its barbed mouth part from the skin. Save the tick for reference in jar with alcohol covered and label with date , location it was on body and where you believe the tick was acquired. Wipe the bite area with antiseptic and or wash with soap and water.

Signs and Symptoms: Monitor site where tick was attached. Look for a slowly expanding skin rash at the site. Often this rash appears in a circular form but not always. The rash usually appears within a week to a month after the bite and can slowly expand over several days. Other symptoms include headache, joint pain and flulike symptoms, such as body aches and mild fever. If left untreated, Lyme disease can cause serious complications including arthritis, brain infection or heart abnormalities.

Diagnosis: is based on clinical findings and Lyme titer (blood test) may be drawn to confirm the diagnosis. Early diagnosis is key to preventing complications and more serious cases of Lyme disease.

Treatment: Lyme disease it treatable, usually by antibiotics.

Prevention: of Lyme disease include: Avoid high risk, wooded area. Check yourself and your children daily and remove them promptly and wash area. Wear long sleeves and pants to decrease exposure when in wooded areas. Use insect repellent when outdoors. Check your pets for ticks frequently and remove promptly.

Sources: US Dept. of Health and Human Services www.webmd.com , www.lymediseaseinformation.com

Recommended Health Sites and Directories

Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America: New England Chapter

• The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention: http://www.cdc.gov/parasites/lice/head/index.html

• American Academy of Pediatrics: http://www.aap.org

• Your doctor, nurse, health clinic, or local board of health (listed in the phone book under "local government")

• The Massachusetts Department of Public Health (MDPH) Division of Epidemiology and Immunization, (617) 983-6800.

Health Forms

Medication Order- This document must be completed by your student’s doctor or nurse practitioner.

Written parent/Guardian Consent- This document must be filled out by you the parent/guardian to give the School Nurse permission to give your student his/her medicine at school.

Emergency Health Care Plan/ Allergy Action Response- If your student has a severe allergy response requiring use of an Epi-pen, this attached document must be filled out by your child’s doctor/nurse practitioner initially, reviewed with you, the parent/guardian, and then signed by you both. Please review this document carefully with your student’s doctor who is writing the orders for this response.

All medication documents must be re-accomplished each school year, as your student’s doctor reviews the need for medications that need to be given at school as part of your student’s health assessment.

Physical Exam Form – Completed by a licensed medical provider, required within the last 12 months or 30 days after school admittance of new students. In accordance with MA State Law, your child is required to have a completed physical exam by the end of third grade.