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JICH - Alcohol, Tobacco and Drug Use by Students Prohibited



Alcohol, Tobacco, and Drug Use by Students Prohibited


The Dudley-Charlton Regional School Committee prohibits the use of, serving of, consumption of any alcoholic beverages, any tobacco product or nicotine delivery system including a vapor/E cigarette device; marijuana; steroids; or the unauthorized consumption of any controlled substance at a school function, within our school buildings, on school grounds, on school buses or school provided transportation. 

A student shall not, regardless of quantity, use, consume, possess, purchase, sell, or give away any beverage containing alcohol; any tobacco product or nicotine delivery system including a vapor/E-cigarette device; marijuana; steroids; or any controlled substance within our school buildings, on school grounds, on school buses or school provided transportation 

Additionally, any student who is under the influence of drugs or alcohol prior to attendance at, or participation in, school-sponsored activity will be barred from that activity and subject to disciplinary action as outlined in the student handbook 

It shall be the policy of the Dudley-Charlton Regional School District to permit the use of a breathalyzer to detect alcohol use at any school related function deemed appropriate by the building principal. 

An administrative conference with the student and his or her parent(s) or caregiver(s) must take place before the student is readmitted. Conditions must be established and made clear to the student before readmission. Readmission will include evidence that steps have been or are being taken to seek solutions to the problems which were the basis of the suspension. 

Verbal Screening 

  • The school district shall utilize, in accordance with law, a verbal screening tool approved by the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education to screen students for substance abuse disorders. The tool shall be administered by trained staff on an annual basis at grades 7 and 9. 
  • Parents/guardians shall be notified prior to the opening of school each year.  Parents/guardians or an individual student shall have the right to opt out of the screening by written notice prior to or during the screening. 
  • All statements made by a student during a screening are confidential and shall not be disclosed except in the event of immediate medical emergency or in accordance with law. De-identified results shall be reported to the Department of Public Health within 90 days of the completion of the screening process.

This policy shall be posted on the district’s website and notice shall be provided to all students and parents/caregivers of this policy in accordance with state law. Additionally, the district shall file a copy of this policy with the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE) in accordance with law in a manner requested by DESE. 

LEGAL REFS.: MGL 71:96; 71:2A; 71:97; 272:40A

CROSS REFS.: IHAMA, Teaching About Drugs, Alcohol and Tobacco; ADCA, Drug Free Workplace Policy; ADC, Tobacco Products on School Premises Prohibited 


Original Adopted Date:
   May 17, 1974 
Amendment Dates:
   March 25, 1987 
   March 9, 1988 
   September 23, 1992 
   July 14, 1993 
   April 10, 2002 
   January 22, 2020
   January 24, 2024